Radiant Gives Back

I believe that as human beings we have certain inalienable rights. We have a right to clean water, healthy food, education, fair wages and a safe and reliable home. Things have changed dramatically in the last few years. Corporate greed permeates everything we do and in our rat race to make it to the top we have forgotten how to care about each other. 

Radiant Home Products donates 10% of its revenue to the non-profit Neighbor to Neighbor. This organization provides long term subsidized housing for low income families. It also provides emergency rent and emergency utility payments to those in tragic circumstances where their utilities have been shut off or they are facing eviction and homelessness.

The employees of Radiant Home Products also volunteer their time at N2N to help with their mission. By purchasing these products, you are giving hope to the less fortunate. Thank you for your contribution and stay tuned for further developments.